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Other Specialised Medical Services

Welcome to Other Specialised Medical Services, where we are dedicated to ensuring access to specialised care for individuals with complex medical needs across Wales.

Within our commissioning portfolio, we prioritise access to specialised services for conditions such as Intestinal Failure, supporting individuals who require nutritional support due to significant bowel dysfunction. We also oversee Home Parenteral Nutrition services, providing essential nutrients to individuals who are unable to eat or absorb adequate nutrients through their gastrointestinal tract.

Additionally, we facilitate access to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, a specialised treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurised chamber, to promote healing and recovery for individuals with certain medical conditions, including decompression sickness and non-healing wounds.

Our commissioning efforts extend to Inherited Metabolic Disorders, supporting individuals and families affected by genetic conditions that impact metabolism. Through strategic partnerships and evidence-based practices, we work to ensure timely diagnosis, management, and support for individuals with these complex disorders.

At the Specialised Medical Services Commissioning Department, we are committed to improving outcomes and enhancing the quality of life for individuals with complex medical needs. Through strategic commissioning, collaboration with stakeholders, and continuous quality improvement initiatives, we strive to ensure equitable access to specialised care and support services across Wales.