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Committee Meeting Notice

18 March 2025

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee (the Joint Committee) will be held on Tuesday 18 March at 9.30am. Meetings of the Joint Committee will be held in public and therefore members of the public are welcome to attend in person and observe the meeting, with prior agreement with the Corporate Governance team. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting, please contact the Corporate Governance Team for further information.

The Joint Committee meeting will be recorded and uploaded to our website as soon as possible following the meeting. If you would like more information or if you are interested in observing our public Joint Committee meeting in person or via a MS Teams virtual link we ask that you register your interest beforehand by contacting us at

Should you wish to observe any Joint Committee meeting and require simultaneous welsh language translation or British Sign Language, please contact and we will endeavour to provide this service.

As the Joint Committee will be ‘meeting in public’ it is important to note that this is not a public meeting. In a public meeting, questions may be asked during the course of the meeting, whilst questions are taken after the completion of consideration of all agenda items during a meeting in public.

To this end, we accommodate questions in advance up to three working days prior to the meeting, in order to allow accurate responses to be provided in a timely manner. Please send us any questions relating to items on the agenda by email to:

The agenda and papers for each meeting can be located on our website 7 days prior to the meeting and can be accessed here:  
Committee Meeting Papers.